Blackbourn Geological Services
Petroleum Geology of the Russian Far East

Petroleum Geology of the Russian Far East

A major new study based on a comprehensive analysis of the Russian-language and International literature

The Pacific border of Russia's Far East is perhaps the most accessible major hydrocarbon province in the FSU, lying within easy reach of the Japanese and North American markets.

The Sakhalin basin is, however, only one of a number of known and prospective basins in the region. As the infrastructure is developed in the area, further exploration opportunities are arising round Sakhalin and in other Far-Eastern basins, both on- and offshore.

The report considers the tectonic and structural development of the entire Russian Far East, before describing the geological history and stratigraphy of individual basins.

Particular emphasis is placed on the nature and distribution of known and potential reservoir and source horizons and the development of hydrocarbon systems.

This report is available now at a cost of US $32,000. For further details, please contact Dr Graham Blackbourn.

Files available to download and/or print:

Russian Far East Report Flier (pdf 461 kB)List of Contents, Figures & Enclosures (pdf 58 kB)Russian Far East, Study Area (pdf 9,828 kB)