Blackbourn Geological Services
Central & Eastern Kazakhstan and other Basins of Southeast Central Asia

Central & Eastern Kazakhstan and other Basins of Southeast Central Asia

Blackbourn Geoconsulting's latest study considers the petroleum geology and hydrocarbon resources of the basins of Central and Eastern Kazakhstan, including both known and prospective provinces.

The basins considered in this report lie in Central and Eastern Kazakhstan between the Aral Sea in the west and the Chinese border in the east, together with the basins of the Tien Shan mountain range in the south, in the republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Geologically, this region can be divided into three distinct parts: the Northeastern Turan Platform in the northwest, the Kazakhstan Plateau in the northeast and Tien Shan in the south. The study area includes:

  • Afghan-Tajik (South Tajik) Basin
  • Alay Depression
  • Fergana Basin
  • Central Tien Shan group of intermontane basins (Aksay, Atbashin, Naryn, Issyk-kul, East Chu, Talas, Toktogul, Susamyr, Kochkor and Dzhumgol)
  • Iiiy group (West Iliy, East Iliy, Kegen-Teke)
  • Zaisan Basin
  • Alakol Basin
  • Prebalkhash Basin (South Balkhash and North Dzhungar)
  • Chu-Sarysu Basin
  • Syr Dar'ya (East Kyzylkum) Basin
  • East Aral Basin
  • Turgai Basin
  • Teniz Basin

The report, based extensively on material already held in-house, includes numerous illustrations and appropriate extracts from our database of the oil and gas fields of the FSU.

This report contains descriptions of the geological history and tectonics of the area, basin development, palaeogeography, stratigraphy, known and prospective reservoirs, source rocks and seals, an assessment of the main play fairways, and risked yet-to-find hydrocarbon reserves.

The report is available now at a cost of US $20,000. For further details, please contact Dr Graham Blackbourn.

Files available to download and/or print:

List of Contents (pdf 54 kB)central-asian-basins.pdf (pdf 5,236 kB)