Blackbourn Geological Services
Review of the Petroleum Geology of the

Review of the Petroleum Geology of the "Older" Basins of Azerbaijan

Although the majority of Azerbaijan's oil reserves are found in the "Middle" Pliocene Productive Series, hydrocarbons have long been known within the basins to the west and north of the country. Some of these fields have been in production for many years, whereas others are awaiting full-scale development.

New understanding of the structure of these mostly intermontane basins, based both on new seismic data and a fresh approach to structural interpretation, is leading to the development of new and as-yet untested plays.

This provides the opportunity to identify new prospects, and to acquire acreage in the rapidly developing South Caspian oil province without the costs and level of competition associated with gaining a foothold in the offshore Caspian Sea.

The report provides detailed information on known fields, the widespread non-commercial hydrocarbon occurrences which have been encountered in the area, and the presence (or otherwise) of source rocks, reservoirs and seals. Information is included from Blackbourn Geoconsulting's field database of the study area.

This report is available now at a cost of US $15,000. For further details, please contact Dr Graham Blackbourn.

Kusary-Divichi Trough

Kusary-Divichi Trough

Files available to download and/or print:

List of Contents (pdf 37 kB)"Older" Basins of Azerbaijan Report Flier (pdf 363 kB)